This is Denise, Elder Bell's mom. As you can see, Brennan really didn't write too much this week. Actually, Brennan, when you read this, go to your file on my email account and read what you sent me. It was personal in nature, it was written to his dad and I and because of this I chose not to share it on this public site. But this is what I can share publically. He can't just come out and say when he will return home, oh no way, he has to make me do the math and figure it out. He has 4 weeks left in this transfer. 4 weeks and 4 weeks and 8 weeks and 6 weeks! Ugh 5 and a half months left. I was sure we were down to less than 5. Such a small amount of time in the whole picture really though and he is soooo happy. I wouldn't want to rush the Lords time!
Are you telling me I don't get to go to Stihl's fairwell?! dang it well I am happy for him I hope he loves his experience.
The week of easter is crazy here lots of people getting drunk and filling up big inflatable pools and putting them in the street and partying. Sometimes I feel that my spirit gets exhausted here because of all of the craziness it isn't easy in moments to deal with all of the noise.
Our transfers are still every six weeks. However, the next transfer will be four weeks because we are getting a new mission president. Then the next transfer will be eight weeks and I will finish on one last transfer of six weeks. It really is a long time, but compared to the time I have spent here it is nothing. Love you both say hi to everyone.
Also, if you get time I am getting worried that my contacts aren't going to last the rest of the mission because the last pair was broken when I opened it. If you could send me a few pairs that would be excellent. My prescription is -1.25 Love you have a good week :)

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